Aramith 2-1/4″ Regulation Size Crown Standard Billiard/Pool Balls Review

Aramith regulation-size crown pool balls set is the second cheapest in the Aramith collection. They make pool balls for all markets, higher and lower, but this pool ball set, particularly, is made only for the lower end of the market making them a good fit for people who are looking for quality cheap pool balls.

The reason why we call it a quality pool ball set – it’s made from phenolic resin. The pool balls made from such hard materials have much more life spans than the balls made from polymer plastic.

Aramith crown pool balls review

Aramith Crown Standard Ball Set Review:

Let’s come to the Aramith 2-¼” standard pool balls review.

Read about: Aramith premier vs premium pool balls.

The first impression when you open the upper cover of crown pool balls is excellent. There are 8 solids, 7 stripes, and a cue ball – the stripes have no boundary around their numbers, giving them a unique look than most pool ball sets out on the market.


According to world pool association regulations, all pool balls must weigh between 5.5 to 6 ounces. All balls of the set weighed around 5.8 to 6 ounces, which is exactly according to the regulations, making these balls tournament standard balls.


The size of the pool balls also adhered to the WPA regulation with a negligible variance.


The playability of these pool balls is quite enjoyable because of their perfect roundness, uniform density, and vibrant elasticity. Phenolic resin balls play differently than any cheap polymer resin balls. The cue ball is easy to control and leaves fewer burn marks on the table, enhancing the life span of the pool table. The cracking sound is almost similar to any expensive pool ball, making it a perfect choice while spending $100.


  1. Highly durable, 
  2. Excellent playability
  3. Closer to WPA regulations
  4. Great value for money


  1. The cue ball retains more chalk
  2. Sometimes, there will be small minor cosmetic defects on the balls

Overall, it is a perfect choice for any level of play. Aramith crown pool balls are a perfect choice for any player who is just starting or starting his pool pub, as they are easy to maintain, highly durable, impact resistant and have wonderful playability. Under $100, no pool ball set can compete against Aramith crown pool ball sets, so it is a great value for money, too.

Dany Trego

I am fond of all cuesports, and that is the reason why I made my blogging website to show people what kind of products can be utilized to enhance or improve your gameplay. All the reviews are neutral and personally tested things that I am suggesting to you.

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