Month: June 2023

Can Pool Balls Make a Difference?

Can Pool Balls Make a Difference?

Can Pool Balls Make a Difference? If you are playing pool for years or if you are just starting out playing pool, you’ll have one question that keeps you bothered i.e., can pool balls make a difference? In short, the answer is, yes. Pool balls make a difference because of the material, roundness, finish, accuracy,…

Aramith 2-1/4″ Regulation Size Crown Standard Billiard/Pool Balls Review

Aramith 2-1/4″ Regulation Size Crown Standard Billiard/Pool Balls Review

Aramith regulation-size crown pool balls set is the second cheapest in the Aramith collection. They make pool balls for all markets, higher and lower, but this pool ball set, particularly, is made only for the lower end of the market making them a good fit for people who are looking for quality cheap pool balls….